Require email to register

OurWork Edit-chalk-10bo12.png

What is the project?

  • The email address field in the create account page will be mandatory.
  • Confirmation email will be sent to the user after registration.
  • The account will be created only when the user confirms his email address by visiting the link that was sent in the confirmation email.
  • Once, the users confirms the email address then a help email will be sent to the user.
  • This only applies to new users trying to register. Nothing will change for current users.

Why is it important?

  • Email on changes keeps people updated.
  • We get contact information for users.
  • Those who register are more engaged.
  • Pushes more towards real people.


Fewer people registering


  • When account creation requires users to register with their name and email address
  • When a "help" email is sent upon registration (before the confirmation)
  • When confirmation emails are sent to the users after registration



  • Should we make the email address field optional?


Use $wgEmailAuthentication to turn on required email registration. Adding an email address field to the account creation page.

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