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     Making Yourself Visible on the Web<br>
     Help People Find Your Local Business<br>
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<p><strong>Whether you have a website or not, you can have a web presence.</strong> And frankly, you can't afford to ''not'' have one. Increasingly, people search the web before they make almost any purchase decision. If you can be found in a Google search, you'll capture some of your potential customers. If you can't be found on Google, you'll miss out on a whole new group.</p>
<p><big><strong>Even if you're located in the mall or on the busiest downtown corner, you've got to market your local business to keep the customers coming.</strong> AboutUs authors offer you advice and tips on how to use the web to promote your local business to new customers in your city, region or neighborhood.</big></p>
| ArticleName = Guest Blogging for Online Visibility
| ArticleName = Use Local Listings to Rank Higher in Mobile Search
| ArticleSummary = Guest blogging is a mutually beneficial exchange between a blogger and another writer. The blog owner who hosts a guest blogger can take a break from creating content, while adding a fresh point of view for readers. The guest blogger gets the chance to reach a new audience, attracting new readers to his or her own blog or website.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Use-Local-Listings-To-Rank-Higher-in-Mobile-Search
| ArticleSummary = People like fast and easy information on something they're planning to buy, from snacks to snowboard boots. If you own a business dependent on local traffic, you’ll want to be right there on people’s phone screens when they’re searching for what you sell. Here's how to get there.
| ArticleName = Keyword Research Is Key to Online Success
| ArticleSummary = Good keyword research is the cornerstone of any website’s success. It gives you powerful insight into the words people use to search for products, services or information. That insight can help you craft content for your website that will make it rank higher in searches for your important keywords.
| ArticleName = Track Your Social Presence
| ArticleName = Mobile Search: What Every Local Business Needs To Know
| ArticleSummary = Every online marketing advice site is telling you to get active on Twitter, Facebook and other social sites. It's great advice, but there's one big problem: How do you track all this activity? Fortunately, people with deep experience in social media marketing have picked through the myriad tools available for tracking your social reach. We offer a list of recommended tools to help you get started - many of them free.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Mobile-Search:-What-Every-Local-Business-Needs-To-Know
| ArticleSummary = Searches done on mobile phones are quickly outpacing search on desktop computers. If you're a local business, you'll want to know what to consider when you create a mobile version of your website. We outline the high points here.
| ArticleName = Getting a Website for the First Time
| ArticleName = Local Advertising Is Simple with Google Boost
| ArticleSummary = Often, people who don't have a website already (and even people who do!) confuse the two pieces of a website: its name and its location. You don't buy a website name - you lease it. Before you rush off to publish your award-winning website design, or start cashing in on your perfect business idea, you need to understand how the website name system actually works, so you don't lose your website name by accident. Once you've done that, you will need to find a website hosting company to provide the server space where your website will live.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Local-Advertising-Is-Simple-with-Google-Boost
| ArticleSummary = Today, 97 percent of people do Web research before they leave the house to make a purchase. If you're a local merchant, you'll want to show up when people start searching. Google Boost, a new program for local businesses, can help you stand out from the crowd and win new business.  
| ArticleName = Get Good Backlinks
| ArticleName = Reviews Can Help You Rank
| ArticleSummary = Inbound links - also called backlinks - are important for driving more traffic to a website. Links from other websites provide a direct path to the site for anyone who clicks on them. Backlinks from reputable websites can improve a site's SEO and boost its ranking in search engine results. That means more people may find the site when searching for its keywords.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Reviews-Can-Help-You-Rank
| ArticleSummary = If you're running a business that depends on local traffic, you probably know that good reviews can bring more customers through the door. But did you know that getting reviews - and not necessarily just good ones - can help your business rank better in search results?
| ArticleName = Online Marketing Is the New Marketing
| ArticleName = 35 Local Link Opportunities
| ArticleSummary = The whole world is going online, whether via desktop computer, netbook or smartphone. People want product information, and they want it on their own time, just when they're ready to research or buy something. The marketer’s challenge is to put out the kind of quality information that will pull in the right customers, at the moment when they’re looking for what we’re selling. Here are a few great books on how to do that, and just as important, how to get into the right mindset.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/35-Local-Link-Opportunities
| ArticleSummary = By building more local links - that is, getting links from websites for businesses in your area - you can get a rich set of links that can help your site rise higher in search results.
| ArticleName = Get Your Website Indexed
| ArticleName = Make Groupon Work for You
| ArticleSummary = Before a website can be found in search engine results, the search engines must first discover and index that website. The sooner your website gets indexed, the sooner you can apply SEO strategies to boost the site higher in search engine results. Appearing in the top 10 to 20 search results can, in turn, attract more visitors to your site.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Make-Groupon-Work-for-You
| ArticleSummary = Groupon offers one discount per day at a local business in each of dozens of cities around the world. It's popular, and growing rapidly. The number of people buying Groupons is increasing fast, and businesses are lining up to be featured as a Deal of the Day.
| ArticleName = Name Your Blog
| ArticleName = Boost Your Business on Foursquare and the Rest
| ArticleSummary = When you tell people about your blog, you'll tell them the domain name. That domain name is the summary -- and in some cases the whole story -- of your brand's identity on the web. What looks good in the address bar? What rolls easily off the tongue? What jives with your brand, and is memorable?
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Boost-Your-Business-on-Foursquare-and-the-Rest
| ArticleSummary = People who use location-based networks like Brightkite, Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt and MyTown are telling their friends not only what they’re doing right now, but where they’re doing it: at the local sandwich shop, car wash or rock-climbing gym.  
| ArticleName = Business Blog 101
| ArticleName = Google Instant Changes Local Search SEO
| ArticleSummary = A blog can help you rev up your business. But it can also backfire, unless you use it in a way that makes sense for you and the folks who keep your wheels on the road.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Google-Instant-Changes-Local-Search-SEO
| ArticleSummary = Once again, Google has moved the proverbial goal post by announcing its newest search engine feature, Google Instant. And website owners will need to get very savvy with their search engine optimization if they want to score. What is It? Google Instant displays search results as you type, in real time, making searches more interactive and immediate. As you type, Google Instant updates search results, instantly.
Think of a weblog as an alternative vehicle for conveying information, apart from your website.
| ArticleName = Using Facebook and Twitter for Your Business
| ArticleName = Boost Conversions and SEO with Contact Info
| ArticleSummary = Social sites like Twitter and Facebook can feel overwhelming, but they can be relatively simple, powerful and inexpensive ways to promote your business, and engage your current and future customers.
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/boost-sales-conversions-seo-with-contact-info/
| ArticleSummary = Putting your contact information out there and freely offering customer service can feel unimportant -- or downright scary. But I'm here to suggest that making contact information available can improve your sales, conversions and search engine rankings.
Social media marketing increases in importance as more people jump into social networks. Facebook is the second most-visited site on the web, with a member count that's higher than the population of the United States.
| ArticleName = Make Sure Your Business Appears in Google Maps
| ArticleName = Make Sure Your Business Appears in Google Maps
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Make-Sure-Your-Business-Appears-in-Google-Maps
| ArticleSummary = With more and more people using search engines and smart phones to spontaneously pick a nearby business - be it an Italian restaurant, a plumber, or ''your'' business - it's important for your local business to show up in [[GoogleMaps.com|Google Maps]].
| ArticleSummary = With more and more people using search engines and smart phones to spontaneously pick a nearby business - be it an Italian restaurant, a plumber, or ''your'' business - it's important for your local business to show up in [[GoogleMaps.com|Google Maps]].

Latest revision as of 12:08, 7 November 2013

Help People Find Your Local Business

Even if you're located in the mall or on the busiest downtown corner, you've got to market your local business to keep the customers coming. AboutUs authors offer you advice and tips on how to use the web to promote your local business to new customers in your city, region or neighborhood.

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