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<big><big>[[These Websites Aren't as Dirty as They Sound]]
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A business faces plenty of challenges when creating a new presence on the Web. Some are obvious: registering a domain name; selecting effective website technology; creating the website; getting found in [[Google]] searches; and adding great content that site visitors will find valuable.
<p><big><strong>You've got a business to run.</strong><br />You don't want to become a Web marketing expert - you just want to promote your business on the Web. We'll help you learn how.</big></p>
[[These Websites Aren't as Dirty as They Sound| Read the Full Article...]]
==Recent Articles:==
<big><big>[[These Websites Aren't as Dirty as They Sound Part 2]]</big></big>
| ArticleName = 5 Steps on Pinterest To Explode Your Site Traffic
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/5-Steps-on-Pinterest-To-Explode-Your-Site-Traffic
Some website owners seem to intentionally choose website names that have only a marginal relationship to their brands. With a nudge and a wink, they may be hoping the provocative name will drive additional traffic to their sites.
| ArticleSummary = Alaskan blogger Ana White gets more than 6,000 visits a day from Pinterest and receives over three million page views each month. She accomplished this by using just one of the five steps outlined in this article. Dive in and get more visitors to your site!
But getting more traffic from a name that doesn't accurately represent the site can bring more problems than benefits. Yes, the company will probably see a significant increase in website traffic -- but that traffic isn't likely to convert to sales.
| ArticleName = SEO Tips for E-commerce Sites
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/SEO-Tips-for-Ecommerce-Sites
| ArticleSummary = E-commerce sites have some unique SEO challenges to overcome. Read our 11 tips for improving your e-commerce site's SEO so you can rank higher in search results and get more customers for your online store.  
[[These Websites Aren't as Dirty as They Sound Part 2| Read the Full Article...]]
| ArticleName = Google's Freshness Update Helps Small Business SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Google's-Freshness-Update-Helps-Small-Business-SEO
| ArticleSummary = Google's new Freshness update affects 35 percent of searches, nearly three times as many as affected by Panda. It also offers small websites the chance to outrank larger sites by favoring the freshest content on any topic. 
<big><big>[[Going Beyond Google]]</big></big>
[[Going Beyond Google| Read the Full Article...]]
| ArticleName = SEO for Competitive Analysis
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/SEO-for-Competitive-Analysis
<big><big>[[Reputation Management: Neutralize the Bad with the Good]]</big></big>
| ArticleSummary = Keyword research and other SEO tactics can help you research - and beat - your competitors. 
[[Reputation Management: Neutralize the Bad with the Good| Read the Full Article...]]
| ArticleName = A Smooth Launch for Your Website
<big><big>[[Free SEO Tools]]</big></big>
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/A-Smooth-Launch-for-Your-Website
[[Free SEO Tools| Read the Full Article...]]
| ArticleSummary = Don't frustrate your loyal website visitors when you redesign your site - follow these five tips to keep people informed and happy. 
<big><big>[[Make Money in Your Underwear]]</big></big>
| ArticleName = W3C Validation
[[Make Money in Your Underwear| Read the Full Article...]]
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/W3C-Validation
| ArticleSummary = You check all of your documents with a spell checker - why not check the code of your website too! 
| ArticleName = Reach Customers with SMS and Mobile Email Ads
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Reach-Customers-with-SMS-and-Mobile-Email-Ads
| ArticleSummary = Mobile advertising is moving from simple opt-in ads to highly targeted, location-based offers. This type of SMS text advertising, coupled with mobile email ads, can move you into people's attention at the moment when they're ready to buy.
| ArticleName = Planning Your Small Business Video
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Planning-Your-Small-Business-Video
| ArticleSummary = Suddenly, every business must have videos to share on their own website and YouTube.com. Does video make sense for your business? Here's how to decide, and how to plan your videos if you decide to move forward.
| ArticleName = No Follow Links Don't Help PageRank or SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/No-Follow-Links-Don't-Help-PageRank-or-SEO
| ArticleSummary = It used to be possible to send more "link juice" to one specific web page through selective use of the NoFollow attribute. That hasn't been true for several years - but the myth persists. Learn what NoFollow is really used for, and how it can benefit your website.
| ArticleName = Why Outbound Links Matter
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Why-Outbound-Links-Matter
| ArticleSummary = You probably know you need good inbound links to help your site rank better in search results. But you may not realize that outbound links can also help you build your Web presence, and get more people coming to your site.
| ArticleName = Where's Your Traffic Coming From
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Where's-Your-Traffic-Coming-From
| ArticleSummary = Different traffic sources produce different kinds of website visitors, in differing volumes. Each will also deliver a different return on investment, whether that investment is your time, your money or both. Read more to help you decide which website traffic sources are best for your business.
| ArticleName = Mobile Search: What Local Business Needs To Know
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Mobile-Search:-What-Every-Local-Business-Needs-To-Know
| ArticleSummary = Searches done on mobile phones are quickly outpacing search on desktop computers. If you're a local business, you'll want to know what to consider when you create a mobile version of your website. We outline the high points here.
| ArticleName = Local Advertising Is Simple with Google Boost
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Local-Advertising-Is-Simple-with-Google-Boost
| ArticleSummary = Today, 97 percent of people do Web research before they leave the house to make a purchase. If you're a local merchant, you'll want to show up when people start searching. Google Boost, a new program for local businesses, can help you stand out from the crowd and win new business.
| ArticleName = 10 Ways To Get Noticed in Your Industry
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/10-Ways-To-Get-Noticed-in-Your-Industry
| ArticleSummary = If you’re looking to stand out from the bland content so prevalent on other websites, you’ll need more than just writing talent. You’ll need to think outside the box – and you can start by trying these 10 innovative ways to get noticed in your industry.
| ArticleName = WordPress: Built for SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/WordPress:-Built-for-SEO
| ArticleSummary = WordPress is increasingly popular for creating websites - and deservedly so. WordPress can help you build a large website with little effort and no knowledge of code, and it naturally handles much of the nuts and bolts of search engine optimization (SEO).
| ArticleName = Good Website Design Helps Small Business Stand Tall
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Good-Website-Design-Helps-Small-Business-Stand-Tall
| ArticleSummary = A well-designed website is like an employee who’s responsible, professionally dressed and ready to greet and help every customer who walks through the door. Read our tips and advice for creating an online presence that wins customer confidence and new sales.
| ArticleName = Good Meta Descriptions Bring More Site Traffic
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Good-Meta-Descriptions-Bring-More-Site-Traffic
| ArticleSummary = Writing a compelling, accurate meta description for each important page on your website is an important part of making your business more visible on the Web. A good meta description can persuade more people to click on your site when it appears in search results. [VIDEO]
| ArticleName = Improve Your URLs for Better SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Improve-Your-URLs-for-Better-SEO
| ArticleSummary = Your URLs provide an opportunity to let search engines and people know what your page is about. Conversely, if you don't pay attention to your URLs, they may provide no value for your site's SEO or for your human visitors, either. Badly designed URLs may even trip up search engines or make them think you're spammy.
| ArticleName = Pros and Cons of PPC
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Pros-and-Cons-of-PPC
| ArticleSummary = Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a double-edged sword. Google AdWords and other PPC programs allow marketers to narrowly target their ads to specific groups of people, but PPC carries a few risks. Learn how to determine whether PPC is for you.
| ArticleName = Get Your Blog Ranking Higher in Search Results
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Get-Your-Blog-Ranking-Higher-in-Search-Results
| ArticleSummary = If you're going to all the trouble of creating and updating your business blog, you want your posts to rank well in search results. Learn to optimize your blog posts so they rank well for the keywords you care about.  
| ArticleName = Get Ready for Search Engines
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Get-Ready-for-Search-Engines
| ArticleSummary = Search engines need to see your site as ready for human visitors before they'll include it in their indexes and search results. It's easy to make mistakes that tell search engines your site isn't finished. We'll show you how to avoid or fix these problems so your search rankings don't suffer.
| ArticleName = A Facebook Landing Page Without HTML
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/A-Facebook-Landing-Page-Without-HTML
| ArticleSummary = You'd like to create a landing page for your new Facebook visitors, but you don't know HTML. Don't despair! Here's our step-by-step guide to creating a non-HTML Facebook landing page.
| ArticleName = Increase Site Traffic with Title Tags
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Increase-Site-Traffic-with-Title-Tags
| ArticleSummary = Major search engines use the title tag of a web page as a link to that page in search results. It's the first thing people see and choose to click on - or not. [VIDEO]
| ArticleName = 5 Social Media Fails
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/5-social-media-fails/
| ArticleSummary = You've set up some social media profiles, sent out a few updates, followed a handful of people...and you don't understand why there's no extra traffic to your site. Learn how to fix your fails, and enjoy social media marketing success.
| ArticleName = Rock Your Blog in 300 Words - or Less
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Rock-Your-Blog-in-300-Words_-_or-Less
| ArticleSummary = If you write regularly, you probably have abundant ideas, but limited time to express them. Guess what? Your readers are probably short on time, too. Engage your audience by making your point in 300 words. Learn how to rock your blog in 300 words in this article.
| ArticleName = How H1 and Other Headings Help SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-H1-and-Other-Headings-Help-SEO
| ArticleSummary = The H1 and other headings on a web page help people and search engines quickly understand what the page is about. Write them well to get more site visitors. [VIDEO]
| ArticleName = SEO Benefits of Blogging
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/SEO-Benefits-of-Blogging
| ArticleSummary = A regularly updated blog gives people a reason to visit your website more often. It also gives you the chance to improve your site's search engine optimization (SEO). Not sure it's worth the extra work? Here’s a rundown of the SEO benefits to help you decide.
| ArticleName = Anchor Text Can Improve Your SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Anchor-Text-Can-Improve-Your-SEO
| ArticleSummary = Anchor text tells people and search engines what a linked page is about. Thoughtfully chosen anchor text can tell search engines what keywords to rank your pages for...something that "click here" ''can't'' do for you.
| ArticleName = How To Write for Internet Marketing Success
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-To-Write-for-Internet-Marketing-Success
| ArticleSummary = Search engine optimization (SEO) can get people to your site, but only riveting content will make them stay there. Learn to write in your own unique voice to grab the interest of visitors, and keep them on your site.
| ArticleName = Choose the Right Web Designer
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Choose-the-Right-Web-Designer
| ArticleSummary = There are thousands of web designers and web design companies out there ready to design your website. How can you choose one who will understand your business and make sure your site is visible to search engines and potential customers? Here’s a quick guide to help with the process.
| ArticleName = 6 Quick SEO Wins
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/6-Quick-SEO-Wins
| ArticleSummary = You check Google every day to see where you rank. If you're still on page 4 or 5, you need a little search engine optimization, or SEO. Just a few simple steps can help your site rank better in search engine results, and attract more visitors.
| ArticleName = Google's Farmer Update: What You Need To Know
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Google's-Farmer-Update:-What-You-Need-To-Know
| ArticleSummary = The Farmer Update was a substantial change to Google's search engine algorithm that sent some websites' pages plummeting in search results, while others came out ahead. Learn how to check whether your site was affected by the Farmer Update, and what you can do to show Google your content is worthwhile. [VIDEO]
| ArticleName = Record Video Interviews with Skype
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Record-Video-Interviews-with-Skype
| ArticleSummary = Creating video interviews with people who are interesting to your customers - and prospective customers - can bring more traffic to your website and even go viral. Skype and other tools make it easy to interview someone, no matter where they are.
| ArticleName = Quick SEO Fixes for Internal Links
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Quick-SEO-Fixes-for-Internal-Links
| ArticleSummary = Watch out - your link juice could be leaking. Inbound links to pages with discontinued products, expired promotions or years-old press releases probably aren't helping your site rank well in search results. But you can build internal links to juice your most important pages, and boost them in search results.
| ArticleName = Email Marketing, Meet Social Media
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Email-Marketing,-Meet-Social-Media
| ArticleSummary = Email marketers have been scrambling to cope with the social Web - also called Web 2.0. So how should you adjust your email marketing?
| ArticleName = Reviews Can Help You Rank
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Reviews-Can-Help-You-Rank
| ArticleSummary = If you're running a business that depends on local traffic, you probably know that good reviews can bring more customers through the door. But did you know that getting reviews - and not necessarily just good ones - can help your business rank better in search results?
| ArticleName = Find the Best Email Marketing Service
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Find-the-Best-Email-Marketing-Service-for-You
| ArticleSummary = A good email marketing platform can make your email marketing efforts simpler and more effective. We've built a list of the best services so you can choose the one that's right for your business.
| ArticleName = How To Add Your Logo to Your Video
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-To-Add-Your-Logo-to-Your-Video
| ArticleSummary = If you're using video to bring more people to your website, you certainly will want your logo to be visible in the video clip itself. Learn how to embed your company's logo as you edit your video clips.
| ArticleName = How To Use Twitter for SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/how-to-use-twitter-for-seo/
| ArticleSummary = It's official. Google and Bing now include social signals - namely, links that get tweeted on Twitter - when determining how web pages should rank in search results. Learn how to get the best SEO value from tweeted links to your site.
| ArticleName = How To Create a Facebook Landing Page
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-To-Create-a-Facebook-Landing-Page
| ArticleSummary = These step-by-step instructions will help you create a customized Facebook landing page for your company. Introduce first-time visitors to your business and your brand.
| ArticleName = How To Get Email Addresses
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-To-Get-Email-Addresses
| ArticleSummary = It can be tempting to turn to shady ways of acquiring email addresses when  you're looking to market your business. Learn easy, legitimate ways to collect the email addresses that will be most effective for you.
| ArticleName = PR Strategy for Small Business
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/PR-Strategy-for-Small-Business
| ArticleSummary = Public relations can be an effective – and inexpensive – way to market your products and services to customers, other businesses and investors. It’s also a great way to create more links to your website and boost your company’s Web presence.
| ArticleName = Keep Track of Inbound Links
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Keep-Track-of-Inbound-Links
| ArticleSummary = Inbound links to your website from good, reputable sites can help your site appear higher in search results.
| ArticleName = 6 Easy Ways To Improve Your Site Speed for SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/6-Easy-Ways-to-Improve-Your-Site-Speed-for-SEO
| ArticleSummary = Making sure your website is fast - or at least, not slower than the average site - can help you gain or maintain good search engine rankings and traffic to your website.
| ArticleName = White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/White-Hat-SEO,-Black-Hat-SEO
| ArticleSummary = If you've been reading about search engine optimization (SEO) and trying to apply it to your website, you've probably wondered what "white hat SEO" and "black hat SEO" really mean. Use this guide to do the right thing, and avoid getting your site penalized.
| ArticleName = Good Content Vs. Spam
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Good-Content-Vs.-Spam
| ArticleSummary = Search engines like Google are changing their methods to make sure only web pages with good content show up in search results. If you're a website owner using content to help you make money, this article will help you create good content that gets links, and avoid being labeled as spam.
| ArticleName = Flashy Websites Can Be Too Hot for Bots
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Flashy-Websites-Can-Be-Too-Hot-for-Bots
| ArticleSummary = Web page content that’s wrapped in a fancy package can be difficult – or impossible – for a search engine to “see.” Making your page attractive and easy to search is the goal.
| ArticleName = SEO Stumbles To Avoid
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/SEO-Stumbles-To-Avoid
| ArticleSummary = Paying attention to your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) and doing everything in your power to increase your Web presence makes you look like a pro.
| ArticleName = The Importance of a Landing Page
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/The-Importance-of-a-Landing-Page
| ArticleSummary = When you're about to launch a new marketing campaign, creating a special landing page on your site should be at the top of your list.
| ArticleName = Alt Text Helps People and Search Engines
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Alt-Text-Helps-People-and-Search-Engines
| ArticleSummary = Search engines are blind when it comes to images, and so are some people. At least 10 percent of Web surfers use assistive technology to help them browse websites. Make sure your images can be seen by everyone.
| ArticleName = Don't Block Search Engine Crawlers
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Don't-Block-Search-Engine-Crawlers
| ArticleSummary = A great page on your website will never rank well in search results - and be discovered by more people - if the search engines don't know it's there in the first place.
| ArticleName = 6 Simple Facebook Page Tricks
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/6-simple-facebook-page-tricks/
| ArticleSummary = Tackling your business’s Facebook page can be overwhelming.  Here are six easy and quick things you can do to make your brand’s presence on Facebook more effective.
| ArticleName = What PageRank Means for Your Website
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/what-pagerank-means-how-to-improve-yours/
| ArticleSummary = PageRank is at the heart of Google's ranking algorithm, and everyone wants to know what to do about it. Discover the changes you can make to your site to help its PageRank and get it showing up better in search results.
| ArticleName = Choose the Right Domain Name
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Choose-the-Right-Domain-Name
| ArticleSummary = Your site's domain name is both your company’s location on the web and its online brand. Following a few simple steps can help you choose a domain name that will help you build a strong Web presence for your business.
| ArticleName = How To Use Robots.txt
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/How-To-Use-Robots.txt
| ArticleSummary = People usually use robots.txt to prevent search engines from indexing web pages whose content really shouldn't be indexed. Robots.txt can also be used to request that specific robots not index a site.
| ArticleName = Video Marketing 101
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Video-Marketing-101
| ArticleSummary = Countless marketers post video clips on YouTube in the hope of winning more website traffic and new business. Most are boring. You can make engaging and effective videos by following our tips. [VIDEO]  
| ArticleName = SEO Mistakes Even Experienced Web Designers Make
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/SEO-Mistakes-Even-Experienced-Web-Designers-Make
| ArticleSummary = There's a lot of detail involved in website creation. Sometimes a design decision that's great for users can have a big, unintended negative effect on your site's search rankings. It's a real loss to your business if your beautiful, very usable website doesn't get customers coming to it from search engines. Your site could have one of these common SEO problems.
| ArticleName = Keyword Research Is Key to Online Success
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Keyword-Research-Is-Key-to-Online-Success
| ArticleSummary = Good keyword research is the cornerstone of any website’s success. It gives you powerful insight into the words people use to search for products, services or information. That insight can help you craft content for your website that will make it rank higher in searches for your important keywords.
| ArticleName = Get Good Backlinks
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Get-Good-Backlinks
| ArticleSummary = Inbound links - also called backlinks - are important for driving more traffic to a website. Links from other websites provide a direct path to the site for anyone who clicks on them. Backlinks from reputable websites can improve a site's SEO and boost its ranking in search engine results.
| ArticleName = Get Your Website Indexed
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Get-Your-Website-Indexed
| ArticleSummary = Before a website can be found in search engine results, the search engines must first discover and index that website. The sooner your website gets indexed, the sooner you can apply SEO strategies to boost the site higher in search engine results.
| ArticleName = 9 Common Title Tag Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/9-common-title-tag-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them/
| ArticleSummary = If you have the time to optimize one thing on your website, title tags are it. They're one of the most important SEO elements on your site for ranking well in search results, and they also entice people to click on your web pages. Learn how to avoid common title tag mistakes.
| ArticleName = Create a Personality for Your Brand on Twitter
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/create-a-personality-for-your-brand-on-twitter/
| ArticleSummary = Most people would rather feel like they’re engaging with real people than with a faceless, nameless “brand.” That’s especially true in social media, where people readily express their opinions and personalities. So, how do you stay human on Twitter?
| ArticleName = Cascade Content for SEO
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/cascade-your-content-for-better-seo/
| ArticleSummary = When you write a blog post about something that matters to your customers and prospects, cascade it to the social networks to attract more visitors. You'll also be helping your website rank better in search results.  
| ArticleName = Boost SEO with Social Media
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.com/boost-seo-with-social-media/
| ArticleSummary = Getting mentions in social media really can boost your search engine rankings. Better yet, it's often easier for small businesses to get noticed in social than to get backlinks or overhaul their sites for SEO. 
| ArticleName = Use Local Listings to Rank Higher in Mobile Search
| ArticleLocation = http://www.aboutus.org/Learn/Use-Local-Listings-to-Rank-Higher-in-Mobile-Search
| ArticleSummary = People like fast and easy information on something they're planning to buy, from snacks to snowboard boots.  If you own a business dependent on local traffic, you’ll want to be right there on people’s phone screens when they’re searching for what you sell. Here's how to get there.

Latest revision as of 15:25, 11 May 2015

You've got a business to run.
You don't want to become a Web marketing expert - you just want to promote your business on the Web. We'll help you learn how.

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